Brigadoons Starlite Amber Waves of Grain “Amber”

Born: 5/1/2014
Gender: Female
Registration: AKC SR83020102
Required tests:
Elbow: OFA GR-EL37791F31-VPI
Hips: OFA GR-117946G31F-VPI
Cardiac: OFA GR-CA31112/24F/C-VPI
Eyes: normal not yet submitted
GRPRA1: Clear
GRPRA2: Clear
Ich: Carrier
MD: Clear
prcd: Clear
Meet Amber. Amber is a daughter of Liberty. She is a small sized, performance Golden. Amber is a natural born lover and loves to cuddle her humans. She has started training as a therapy dog and can’t wait to start her work.
Update: Amber has passed her Therapy Dogs International test and cannot wait to start her work.